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The long, joyous journey of a Spiritual Walk

Since I was a child I've always had the sense of something bigger, something larger, something far beyond my own earthly reality. A sense that there was something above, around and in me. Something that was both outside of me and a part of me. Something guiding me, calling me, protecting me. A sense that I was not alone even during times when I felt utterly alone. That is the paradox of walking with Spirit. One can be and feel seemingly completely alone; awash in despair, pain, memories of past trauma, isolated at times. And yet, that overwhelming sense that I am not alone, that there is something beyond my humanness. That there is "something" out there to comfort and give unconditional love which permeates every part of my being letting me know that I am never alone - all I have to do is believe and invite It in, and it will come without hesitation.

Unfortunately, being human, ego rules the day, and as such, looking beyond my human/ego based desires - to be loved, to be appreciated, to be wanted, to be in control, etc., close the curtain to that which exists in the unseen that is there for us all to experience, embrace and to simply enjoy. Inviting this into my existence, to my reality has given me a peace and sense of purpose that I never thought existed. I lived in ego: I created my destiny, I could control all the things and people in my life. I spent huge amounts of energy trying to do just that - so that I would feel safe. It was an attempt to tamp out the flames of fear that ruled my life, that defined every relationship I was ever in. As long everyone was doing and behaving in a manner that suited and conformed to my world view and what I thought I needed to feel safe, loved and secure, all was fine. My life was run by ego. I had no idea what unconditional love truly meant or even was. It wasn't until I surrendered and looked deep within myself and invited Spirit in to guide me, to love me, to give me comfort, to raise my vibrational resonance to be in-tune with that which exists in a higher plane, could I be free from the bonds of ego and self.

This blog is meant to tell a story. A story of redemption and discovery of the love that exists in me, in all of us. A story of self love guided by the spirits that exist all around us but that which we are cut off from through our own making due to selfishness, insecurity, self-esteem issues, past trauma, lack of self-love and care, the unwitting lack of understanding of what unconditional love truly is, the need to control and manipulate our world to give the illusion of safety and love.

Over the course of time I will share with all those who wish to read my amazing journey from darkness into light. I encourage all who read these posts to share your experiences; your journeys from the dark night of your past to the warmth and comfort of the light of Light and Love that you now live.

May we all meet one day on the Astral Plain, where light and love abounds, where our souls know no other manner of existence but that of pure Light and Love.


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